Or even: insert into lib_query_table (id, querystring) You could skip that variable and do: insert into lib_query_table (id, querystring) You don't need the query from dual, you can do: query := substr(l_query, 1, 4000) Insert into lib_query_table values (1, query) Select substr(l_query,1,4000) into query from dual Querystring2 varchar2(2000) := 'string2' Querystring1 varchar2(2000) := 'string1' Replace your double quotes with single ones: declare With shorter strings you'd still get an error, but something like 'unknown identifier'. That makes Oracle interpret them as identifier names - so as soon as your literal is more than 30 characters long you'll get that exception. You are using double quotes around your query string literals, instead of single quotes. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. Empty string inserting a zero, not a null. error 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061). MySQL Query executes but throws exception. Correct indexing when using OR operator. Which is better: mysql_connect or mysql_pconnect. How to res.json and res.render at the same time, pass mongo db to angularjs? mysql. how to use $month using aggregation in spring data mongo db. Mongodb: Create index on array of two fields. Mongodb: $filter is not allowed in this atlas tier. In Mongodb, how do I check if all the documents are unique for a value?. Saving object with mongoose findOne / save doesn't work. Postgres database setup on Cloud9 asks for sudo password mongodb. Timescaledb time_bucket fetch periods with no row. How to represent PostgreSQL interval in Go. PostgreSQL - How to change tmp directory?. Correct way to update frontend when backend changes.
The server must be started by the user that owns the data directory. Why is the planner not doing the right thing?
Postgresql - Query running a lot faster with enable_nestloop=false.